Playgroup Policies
Enrolment Policy:
Upon a query for an ECCE (Free Preschool) place at Bumble Bees Playgroup a registration form, parent handbook and code of conduct and social media policy is given to parent/guardian for completion. Once the completed forms are returned to us then that child’s place is booked or placed on waiting list. Due to families’ double booking in surrounding playgroups and not cancelling their place we now ask for a deposit of €50.00 to hold your place. This deposit is fully refundable once the ECCE place is registered or four weeks’ notice of cancellation is given to management. (Laura or Marie)
We give preference to children attending the Crèche or families that have attended here in the past. We also promote the scheme within our local community.
In August of each year a meeting is held for all parents/guardians of ECCE children. All paperwork will be signed and PPS number for the child should be brought on that day. The child also attends and meets with his/her new teacher, friends and to discover their new classroom. Policies and procedures are discussed, including our calendar for the term, our curriculum plans and our aims for the development of the playgroup child in preparation for primary school.
When children commence in the crèche we will automatically keep a place for them in pre-school from the September once turning three before the 31st Dec that year, please let us know if you do not intend to keep them here for the pre-school year. Also we will aim to start all children in the September at the beginning of term.
Please be in the hall for 9.25, ensuring child is on time for playgroup. Child will put on slippers and hang up coat, Teacher will come to the hall to welcome the children in as a group. Parents please refrain from bringing child to class as this can prolong separation anxiety. They should walk to class with their teacher and friends. (outside the building during covid)
Please refrain from bringing children’s own toys to Playgroup, we have more than enough here to occupy the children and your child can become quite upset when other children in the classroom insist on playing with their toy!
Most children will not have soothers at this stage, however if your child still has one we would ask that it is left at home. Soothers interfere with children’s language and in our experience make a child restful and quite, as we are preparing the children for school and teaching them independence we need them to be full of enthusiasm and eager to learn new things through play. (we are asking that children are supplied with a new soother still in the packet on the first day back – this soother will remain at creche and be sterilized at the end of the day).
Parents need to supply a healthy snack for the children’s break time. A piece of fruit with Brown bread/scone, cheese dips/yoghurt, raisins, crackers etc. are some of the ideas. Sweets/chocolate/crisps/nuts (or Nutella) are not allowed except in the case of a child’s pre-organised party. Please do not pack more than 2 items in the snack. We will supply water and cups so there is no need to bring drinks. We encourage the nutritional and overall well-being of all children within the crèche. We support children to develop lifelong healthy eating practices and a positive approach towards food in partnership with parents.
Bank Holidays:
Bumble Bees is open all year round except on Bank Holidays & Christmas shutdown; however not all days are covered by the Free Pre-school Year. Please see your separate calendar as this will show you the weeks that ECCE fees will/will not be paid by the DCYA, (Department of Children and Youth Affairs). Should you require a place during these weeks – we remain open so you will need to pay for those weeks. We are open on church holidays except Good Friday when we close. We also have one day annual shutdown for training, maintenance and general clean-up of the building. This day is usually on a Friday in Sept each year. A months’ notice will be given.
Children attending play-group need to be potty trained (unless a medical/other reason has been discussed on registration). Should a child have ‘wet’ accident at playschool we shall clean them up with the change of clothes provided in their bag*. However should a child have ‘soiled’ accident the parents will be called to come and change the child. Unfortunately due to staff ratios, we simply do not have the staff to tend to such accidents as it leaves 21 children with second staff member for a longer period of time. *Should a child have ‘wet’ accident and no spare clothes, parents will be called to bring clothes and change the child unless we have something in the spares that will fit.
Self Care:
Children with long hair should have it tied back off their faces tidily and out of the eyes.
Children in playgroup will be putting on their own shoes to boost independence and prepare for school, for this reason we ask parents to buy shoes without laces and avoid converse as they are very difficult and time consuming even for an adult.
Sun Cream:
Sun Cream must be applied before Playgroup by the parent. Sun hats must be worn in warm weather. This comes up times and time again in the polices as we feel it’s very important and not always adhered to.
Extra-Curricular Activities:
From time to time we will arrange extra activities for the pre-school children. It’s important to note that these extras may incur a charge – however this is completely optional to parents. We shall still provide the pre-school curriculum on any given day should parent choose not to send their child on such trip/activity. Any such trips, must be paid for in advance in a sealed envelope as mentioned above.
Arts and Crafts/Messy Play:
Children love to get messy and it is our motto after all! While we use non-toxic materials and washable paint sometimes it is unavoidable that it gets on clothes. Please supply us with a painting apron or oversized t-shirt and dress children in clothes that you don’t mind them getting messy in.